It's so true, Ayo. Plus a hundred other factors. Like, never fails that we launch some piece we have high hopes for when the news cycle goes crazy with some big story. It's a crapshoot every single time. The biggest mistake people make is feeling rejected when a piece doesn't fly. It happens all the time. To all of us. Well said. :)

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Yeah I one hundred percent AM trying to get views. And if my posts aren't performing well for sustained periods of times then it's important to analyze why -- could either be the content itself or the platform/algo -- but it's a waste of time having specific expectations for every single piece of content I put out. It would be exhausting to think that way! Yet some people do.

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If it's on Substack, it's probably the title. If it's on Medium, it's the platform. lol. But you're so right, we can't be married to every single thing we write, it's too exhausting.

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